Hetalia - WTF moment by undame Name Age Country Tie your last nectarine HTMLXC Who Your childhood friend is in love with you Caused your death Will Give you ice cream after this quiz Hides under your bed Will read bedtime story for you You Were Died while reading this quiz according .... analyze .... XDDDD 1. Kiku, you have to leave the Last Previma part to the ladies, I do not expect this from you XD 2. poor fellow, is normal, the poor does not reach the pedals oxoU 3. wisely?! I have nothing against him, indeed, it is adorable, but I think Sweden will kill me XDU 4. O_O I swear I was the person I least expected! 5. NOOOOO know that I am slightly flawed!, But my poor Tsuki has always been there! , X; 6. . _.U. ... eu ... 7. you want it you sleep with me but sui! O / / / UUO! 8. I'm flattered Spain but if you give me money I feel like a pr% / # ~ XDU 9. little my dad is that I? nonu ... As you are adorable even if you crashed my car uxu 10. killed my dad pork adorable I marry you? , O, U 11. So am I old childhood friend I have in Turkey? O.oU 12. TT_TT I've done for me k mate? 13. Roman wiii grazie! nOn! 14. Women do not hide here, I have room in my house oOoU 15. nice! if you tell me a story Doitsu sleep happy n_n! 16. , X, U poor English, I will spend more to me in the test