Well I was going to write this post last night, but in the end I started to pegosear with Photoshop and I wanted to write ... so I take a break to write, also for my brain to the rest of the mental effort that I am submitting (he was happy when I did not think ... when I saw anime series of all time .. . played the play ... tranquil, that this summer will be like that) and step change in activity.
I started writing because yesterday, while I showered, I was thinking about my future, which I do a lot lately, although many people tell me that I focus on my immediate future, but I've always been more there. WhenI was in first race, I liked to think of 2, that if I was going to get back into the conservatory bla bla bla ... In the second race, I thought that I was going to overwhelm third Masy better left the conservatory when he saw that he could not yet. Well, I'll be honest, I felt like power yet because in playing the piano and out .... preferred to leave .... (I never liked playing the piano for imposicióny more, have to be playing 3 hours straight: S) So I left! And 3 of Career started thinking about competitions ... although that was in the first quarter, because then I changed everything. Andthat's what I like to write. I'm always complaining that if the life of "opposition" is mu hard, I have no social life, the week they just talk to people, I miss having class, you need to see that I have not been caught in the EOI (or catch me in life) ... That's when I got into the shower and while I liked the water in the head and eyes closed, I traveled back in time ... And I remembered exactly how he was a year ago.
"Mamen, last year, they did have problems and yes you should've complained & amp; quot;'s what I thought. Many problems because he was not mentally fit ... always crying, always wrong, always sad ... and it was always the same the reason for my sadness. I left my career because I did not want to move on (sorry Pau, I left you alone), and because the year had problems before with my work group (things that teachers spend a lot) and I felt very good about myself. At the end I was in a working group Auxi super good and helped me a lot. Spent going to class, all I wanted was to sleep and not wake me up ... I did not want to face reality ... It is also true that at that entoNCES, my father was very very very poor health, having to go every two to three Red Cross (if not once a month ... was closest). In short, all burned at home ... the minimum jump I jumped my mother or my father jumped .... Within
friends, well ... were the only ones and the ones that encouraged me. One was Mayte, who took me to one side and another on the weekends I deigned to go with it (thanks for that day behind the Seneca, who went to eat sweets as I told you and you telling me.) Thanks for trying to half understand what was not understandable .... for telling me "you are worth too much to be so" el "I do not see this bad." Like Lau, who also had to "endure" my tears and my stories ... Also thank you very much to Wito and Arjo, who from the proximity helped me all they could:). That day at the Wiz I had a great time with them! Since then, I realized where I could spend a good many Wiz with three people. Also Pau and Marco, thank you for everything you have done for me! Setting for being my psychologist, being strongly disagree with what I did, but at the same time, supporting me and Paula, well ... thanks for getting me that Wednesday's show from my house to go to the fair!! No tod @ s @ s vosotr , seguuuro that he had remained bitter and not have left my "negative state" in life ... and even I would have brought a disease (the step that was ...).
And in matters of love ... it goes without saying that all my state of negativity and malaise was caused by this (well, everything ... not everything but most, yeah). Now I think all the things I thought last year and I am a wafer ... because now we do not think so but ... I would want to go back in time and give myself a wafer, seriously. Very heavy stuff ... I thought ... they had no ning & uacute n kind of sense! as "I do not mind not being the official girlfriend, but as long as me, anything goes." Eventually, as time passed, I became something I never expected to become me ... now that I look at it from outside and with a critical eye, why he did what he did was out of spite and to address the lack of self-esteem was sooo big. Of course then turns against you, always turns against you ... and if before I felt used by a person, then moved to more people feel VISA OR ... until one day you wake up and say "I never wanted this vigiven to me, "what have I become?" "I do not want to live like this anymore." It is true that this mentality when I started to have change of scenery .... and met new people, by Sapere Aude (everything is by the way). And I started hanging out with them, and I had a big and best of all is that I realized how well I was alone ... no worries of any kind ... and that was when I was finished to my previous life! from now on I'm gonna live my life without being sad about anything or anyone and will take a long time until someone re-formalized (if muuuuchíiiiisimo ,.... 2 months timeis ..... if you can not speak ....). Thanks to this optimism in September I took my career, almost third enterito. I started August finalis it and with the help of Paula, and my innate stubbornness "that I take it out that I take it out" I took the course. It is the second time something happens to me ... because in September I took four courses in order to go to two high schools (yes, the academy took its toll, but that is another theme of my life ...). And here was when emerged from my ashes when I saw what I was capable of doing ....
I would also like to thank Juan and rau your calls and sms to Salierto, because sometimes I looked a little listless. The day I went to sign on to the academy, and Wiz was originally going to go and she can not go because I had to go to school and such, and sent an sms saying he could not sentíay go it just crammed to call me, both as Raul Julia. And graacias to raul went on the famous bottle of the wall =) I was notified 4 days in advance. Well as this story and you have tod @ s latest.
By this I mean that if I say I'm wrong, that if such that if that Easter ... tell me "Mamen .... think of c &; Oacute; mo were a year ago "and then say .... I'll prick ... and whining ... value what you do now you were really sick one year!
Now I just cry with laughter, for some movie .... or because the day has already oversensitive but .... Single day .... not a continuous! And above all, thank you very much to all those people who have come into my life in recent months, for all those times have passed and all those moments that will come.
And above all, thank you, A, for making me feel loved, to respect, and everything you do for me (like going to McDonald's bright before going to the movies because the babysitter; To want a McFlurry)
If you have any doubt of my life, ask me no problem, because it is already more than surpassed that stage!
A kiss to all those reading it and thanks for your time. Mamen
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